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The church is organized in the following manner. The General Committee is the highest decision making organ. Below it is the Executive Committee that executes policy formulated by the General Committee. Below these two are the Local Church, Home Cares Programmes, Administration / Secretariat, Commissions and Committees.

We have two Local Churches namely Friends church, (Quakers), Donholm and Katani Friends Church.

The church is currently comprised of ten (10) Home Cares (Home Cells) as follows:

Programmes are as follows:

The Administrative wing comprises of the secretariat run by the Pastors as well as the staff.

Commissions include Mission, Finance, Service, Communication Research Innovation and Technonoly (CRIT), Social, Constitutional and Education.

Committees are in charge of School, Nomination, Personnel, Hospitality and Building.

A comprehensive outlook of the manner in which the church is organized has been captured in an organizational chart. The same has been attached herewith for ease of reference.