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Friends Church (Quakers), Donholm, is one of the monthly meetings of Friends Church (Quakers), Nairobi Yearly Meeting. The church came into existence in the year 2001 as a full monthly Meeting. At that time, the church had a membership of about 50 people only. Prior to that, the church was a Local church of Nairobi monthly meeting since the year 1995. Its first services were conducted from Buruburu High School (currently NPC, Buruburu). This explains why until the year 2016, the church was referred to as Friends Church (Quakers), Buruburu.

The leadership of the church was then in the hands of the following able men and women of God:

1. Presiding Clerk - Stanley Waswa
2. USFW (Women) - Mary Okumu
3. NYAFP (Youth) - Morgan Arunga
4. Sunday School - Alice Kasibwa
5. Pastors - Benson Simiyu Makhanu and Alice Simiyu

The church has travelled a long path since its establishment. With growth, a need to shift to spacious premises definitely arose. The leadership of the church looked for land and purchased the first plot in Donholm estate. This is the place where the first and current church sanctuary is located. The church has subsequently acquired more land to make its space even bigger. All the church’s land has since been consolidated into one title. Construction of an ultra modern sanctuary and a business unit for the church has commenced in earnest. The location of the church is approximately 200 meters, off Outer ring Road, on your way to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, near Mima Centre, next to Total Petrol Station. It is worth pointing out that all the land that belongs to the church was purchased from a Jew by the name Goldberg.

The value of the church’s land and structures has since greatly appreciated and is currently in excess of Kshs 200,000,000.00. A temporary sanctuary made of wood, concrete and iron sheets has been constructed on this land. In addition, a school catering for nursery and primary education needs has been constructed on the land from the same materials.

In Nairobi Yearly Meeting, Friends church, (Quakers), Donholm is the third youngest monthly meeting, after Kayole and Makadara Friends churches. However, this fact notwithstanding, the church’s performance in many areas has been commendable as shall be outlined elsewhere. Through the grace of God, good leadership and proper spiritual guidance, the church can only look forward to good times in terms of big growth, physically, economically and most important of all, spiritually.



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